So, you just have to keep up with the patch update and check for a newer version. These kinds of problems are not that rare when a new patch hits the game. To fix the custom traits on Sims 4, your first move should be updating the broken mods. These issues are pretty common, and the following solutions will help you make use of the custom traits. Several players have pointed out issues with Sims 4 custom traits not working. So, if you’re looking for a more diverse experience, then going with mods will serve you perfectly. The only bad thing about mods is that they often run into errors during normal gameplay. There are a ton of unique options available on the forums, and you can easily change the personality of your Sim by installing the mod pack. Important Info: If you’re an adult using my *other* mod then please don’t download and install this as it’s already included with my other mod.Mods might be a bit difficult to handle at first, but they have a massive impact on the gaming experience. You should also be aware, after you add more lot traits to a lot over the default limit of 3, interacting with the lot traits via the UI will result in excess traits being removed. This will bring up a list of all lot traits on the active lot, click the ones you want to remove. To remove lot traits just click on the remove button instead of the add button. Clicking on the add button will bring you to a list of all current lot traits that you have installed (both vanilla lot traits and CC lot traits), find the lot traits you want in the list and click on them, they will now be added to your lot. Here you have two options: add or remove lot traits.

This brings up my lot trait menu for your current active lot. Shift click anywhere on the ground and click on the ‘Nisa’s LTE’ interaction. I’ll be very disappointed if you spam LMS with ‘bug’ reports from a incorrect installation! So please make sure to follow these steps. If you place it a single folder deeper then the script will not load into your game. zip file place the entire NisaK_Lot_Extender folder directly into you’re the Sims 4/Mods directory. This is a script mod which means it requires a little bit of special care when you install it. Jarl44 tested up to 30 lot traits on a single lot and reported it working, however I wouldn’t recommend going anywhere near that number. Thank you Jarl44 for the suggestion and the intense testing as this sort of mod isn’t really something I’d use in my game.

How many lot traits you may ask? As many as your game can take before crashing. Too many lot traits but so few slots? No more! This lot trait extender does exactly what it says, it allows you to add more than the default 3 lot traits to any lot. 100% Credit goes to the Mod Creator Nisa!

Info: This is not my Mod but i have the honour to host this Mod.